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蔡豐州 醫師

醫學博士 台灣教育部 部定副教授 中華民國整形外科專科醫師 台灣美容外科醫學會 理事長 台灣美容外科醫學 公共事會務委員會主委 臺北醫學大學 幹細胞中心 副主任 臺北醫學大學附設雙和醫院 整形外科主治醫師 衛生福利部委託醫策會診所美容醫學認證 評鑑委員 衛生福利部委託財團法人醫藥品查驗中心細胞治療技術施行計畫 審查委員 台灣競爭力論壇學會 副團長...

Dear All Distinguished Colleagues and Friends,
It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the 2021 TSAPS International Annual Meeting, held from October 2 to October 3, at the Hua Nan Bank International Convention Center in Taipei, Taiwan. This year, we are the first organization in the world to hold the annual meeting innovatively, combining in-person conferencing, live streaming, video Platform and 3D virtual conferencing.
The severe COVID-19 pandemic not only decimated our health systems but also drastically changed how we go about our lives. It reformed our traditional methods of gathering; however, we have overcome many of these changes through our collective efforts and willpower, facilitated by the advancement of 21st-century technology and supporting infrastructures. While the virus ravaged many of our lives with fear and anxiety, we refused to be defeated and faced every threat imposed with sheer grit and tenacity. The academic term ‘plasticity’, coined by our field of expertise, also represents plastic surgeons coming together, collaborating, and adapting to the new world that has been thrust upon all of us through new, ingenious, and innovative ways. Therefore, we are proud to present this year’s main topic and theme, “Mastering Essential Surgical Skills and Auxiliary Procedures-We Excel ! We Lead ! and  We pride!”
We reformed and built our system around new challenges this year, including new membership guidelines, online e-learning, and administration, just to name a few. Specialists and professionals working in various fields of aesthetic surgery have also been invited to partake in our mission to pioneer this new horizon. Working together in new, unprecedented forms of collaboration will enable us, as a whole, to break through and make great strides in uncharted territory. The philosophy is akin to the fundamentals a truly evergreen society would go through and, in turn, achieving superior results in the treatment of patients. The 2021 annual meeting states that the operation and non-invasive methods can perfectly merge with no limits.
In our relentless pursuit for operational efficiency and quality, our efforts are not just an extension of past successes, but also a resolve to accomplish the following:
1.  Fully Digitized Platform:
The importance and significance of a fully digitized platform has only been elevated with the impact of the pandemic. We will be integrating educational, financial, and administrative functions into our platform to allow all members ease of access to all resources and support and to enhance member service.
2.  Dynamic Organizational Support and Service Assistance and consultation for all practice-related issues.
3.  Expansion of Influence to New Fields and Industries
4.  Financial Operation Optimization through sustainable and beneficial financial reform to ensure the longevity of our society.
5.International Integrated learning through the establishment of a digital learning platform (e-learning platform).
This year, due to the impact of Covid-19, international conferences cannot be conducted in person. Therefore, in order to ensure consistency in the quality we’ve become so renowned for, we will host all of our conferences and exhibitions online for plastic surgeons from all corners of the world to participate.
Lastly, I’d like to conclude with this quote,“It's always good to remember where you come from and celebrate it.
To remember where you come from is part of where you're going.” - Anthony Burgess
We deeply care for our members, MOU partners, sponsors, and all friends. Take good care of yourself! Thank you for your ongoing support and we look forward to achieving a greater and more brilliant future together. 
See you, my friends, at the 2021 TSAPS meeting.
My personal regards to you and your family!


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