南港展覽2館 7 樓
Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center, Hall 2,7F
地址:台北市 11568 南港區經貿二路 2 號
No.2, Jingmao 2nd Rd., Nangang District, Taipei City 11568, Taiwan

- 搭乘高鐵 Railway
Please get off the train at Nangang Station(terminal station), then take the MRT BL line to Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall Station(BL23)

- 搭乘捷運
- Metro
- 搭乘捷運「文湖線」於「南港展覽館站」下車,並於1號出口離站沿左側至南港1館 ; 沿右側「南港2館地下連通道」至南港2館。
- 搭乘捷運「板南線」於「南港展覽館站」下車,並於1號出口離站沿左側至南港1館 ; 沿右側「南港2館地下連通道」至南港2館。
- 1.Please take BR line and get off at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall Center Station(BR24)
2.Please take BL line and get off at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Hall Center Station(BL23)
For further information, please visit the official website of Taipei Metro.