Taiwan Speakers
Director Milano clinic Kaohsiung
Ko-Kang Chen
Educational Background
- National Taiwan University M.D.
Professional Experience
- Changhua Christian Hospitak Attending Surgeon, Plastic surgery
- Kaohsiung Medical University Hospital Attending Surgeon, Plastic surgery
- Milano clinic Kaohsiung director
Recent Publications
- Reconstruction of Ischial Pressure Sore-A Review of a 10-year Experience in a Single Institute Journal of Taiwan Society of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.2 (2010/06)
- Tamai zone I fingertip replantation: Is external bleeding obligatory for survival of artery anastomosis‐only replanted digits? KK Chen, TY Hsieh, KP Chang Microsurgery 2014, 34 (7), 535-539
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