
From the President

To all esteemed members and friends of the Taiwan Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery,
I am Dr. Feng-Chou Tsai and it is my honor to have been elected as the 14th president of TSAPS. 
I, along with the newly appointed board of directors, will be working closely with our predecessors to ensure a smooth transition of responsibilities for the continuation of all they have established and strived for.
“Civil service, without fear or favor.”
This has been my code of conduct ever since returning from the years I dedicated to missionary doctor services in Africa. I truly believe that only when one’s actions come from a place of selflessness and true compassion, will all subsequent and supporting factors follow suit.
Throughout the past 4 years, I have not only created a legacy through all the resources we’ve amassed, but also systemized our organization to uphold financial and legislative transparency through establishing modular administrative processes.
As such, our Society’s advancement will continuously embody the same principles, progressing in a comprehensive manner, spanning all aspects of society, originating from within our own Society and impacting all of Taiwan and the global community, to include all races and ethnicity, surpass any borders and boundaries, support all fields of academic and scientific research, as well as commercial and governmental bodies, both offline and online, to fulfill a truly limitless and positive outlook for our common future.
Internally, we’ve successfully abolished ballot harvesting within the TSAPS electoral system, enabling our society to become the first entirely self-governing, fully democratic medical society in Taiwan.  We further amended regulations regarding the Special Medical Techniques which had a highly positive impact, not only on those in our own field of practice, but also all practitioners throughout Taiwan. These milestones were achieved through legal reform and organizational efficiency. Accomplishments our team will be striving towards upon inauguration are the following three.
1) The signing of international Memorandums Of Understanding for extensive diplomatic collaborations
2) The consistent organization of academic seminars
3) The strengthening of communication between governmental health and medical departments (Department of Medical Affairs, Taiwan Medical Association, Joint Commission of Taiwan, Consumers’ Foundation).
In our relentless pursuit for operational efficiency and quality, our efforts are not just an extension of past successes, but also a resolve to accomplish the following:
(1) Fully Digitized Platform:
The importance of a fully digitized platform has only been elevated with the impact of the pandemic. We will be integrating educational, financial, and administrative functions into our platform to allow all members the ease-of-access to all resources and support and to enhance member service.
(2) Dynamic Organizational Support and Service Assistance and consultation for all practice-related issues.
(3) Expansion of Influence to New Fields and Industries
(4) Financial Operation Optimization through sustainable and beneficial financial reform to ensure the longevity of our society.
I would like to sincerely express my gratitude for the incredible amount of support everyone has shown in me through your votes. I humbly accept this mantle of responsibility and will do nothing less than my utmost best to lead and to serve our great Society.
I wish everyone an abundance of peace and health in your lives.
Best regards,